
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Never Say Never Again: Bond Review with Alan J Porter
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Alan is wearing his best toupee, and Van is rounding up all the free radicals, so it must be time to review NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN, Sean Connery's 1983 return to the role of James Bond and a sort-of remake of THUNDERBALL!
Alan on Twitter: @alanjporter @BondLexicon
Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Our Patron background music is by Klaus Hergesheimer
Help support this podcast and be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by people like YOU: all our great patrons and supporters via Patreon.com!
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Apr 13, 2020
Rogue Agents Episode 001: Opening Credits Theme Song Rack & Stack!
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
ROOKIE AGENTS PREMIERE! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson. Now that Pat & Delvin are no longer Rookies, it's time to go rogue!
This episode:
- The official Rookie Agents rack & stack the opening credits theme songs of the first 24 EON Bond films - where will your favorite track land on the list?
- A little bonus discussion on Craig's final appearance as 007 and some of the fights we've loved from the franchise.
Wanna be part of the show? EMail us your questions or comments - feel free to email us an audio file - to: OHMSPOD@outlook.com
If you like our style AND you like comic books, check out the fellas on their other show: The Longbox Crusade at www.LongboxCrusade.com
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Bond Music: Six of the Best - Episode 05 - For Your Eyes Only
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Welcome to the latest episode of Bond Music: 6 of the Best! Join co-hosts Alan J. Porter (from the James Bond Lexicon project) & Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, through the history of the James Bond film soundtracks.
This episode's session is all about FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Alan has the lead on this episode and the lads will provide factoids and discussion on the main title song, 6 of their favorite tracks (hence the title of the podcast), and a bonus remix...maybe more! The numbering scheme is always subject to chaotic change!
What will the boys make of Bill Conti's efforts? What happened in the 007 world at the 1982 Oscar ceremony? Will your hosts be able to make it last all night? Yikes! -- Tune in & find out!
Here is the 1982 Oscar Ceremony - Bond Musical Act: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPtU7jY2dME
Here is where to find this episodes cover versions playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0CDQdLe-G2eIBf3TMc7FwkuUj20WVFf
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Mar 30, 2020
MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 026: Rookies No More! Graduation Special!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
MI6 ROOKIE AGENTS returns...FOR THE LAST TIME! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson. Jarrod and Jason take a look back at the journey they've taken through the entire series of James Bond films.
This episode:
- The official Rookie Agents rack & stack of all the first 24 EON Bond films - where will your favorite land on the list?
- The ultimate Agents Under Fire trivia showdown between Delvin & Pat! Who will be crowned the ultimate agent?
- Parting thoughts, and the answer to: Where is the show going from here?
Wanna be part of the show? EMail us your questions or comments - feel free to email us an audio file - to: OHMSPOD@outlook.com
If you like our style AND you like comic books, check out the fellas on their other show: The Longbox Crusade at www.LongboxCrusade.com
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Mar 23, 2020
MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 025: Never Say Never Again BONUS EPISODE
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
MI6 ROOKIE AGENTS returns for one final mission! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson. Jarrod and Jason take a look at the Bond series through the eyes of their guests who are first-time (or first time in a long time) viewers new to James Bond, for an entirely different Bond perspective and experience.
This episode: What do the newbies make of Never Say Never Again? The Alberich brothers are eliminating all free radicals, Pat is playing a world domination video game, and Delvin has just remembered that its against our policy to hand out endorsements.- so all the bases are covered!
Wanna be part of the show? EMail us your questions or comments - feel free to email us an audio file - to: OHMSPOD@outlook.com
If you like our style AND you like comic books, check out the fellas on their other show: The Longbox Crusade at www.LongboxCrusade.com
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Bond Music: Six of the Best - Episode 04 - Moonraker
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Welcome to the latest episode of Bond Music: 6 of the Best! Join co-hosts Alan J. Porter (from the James Bond Lexicon project) & Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, through the history of the James Bond film soundtracks.
Special co-host on loan from "The 00 Files" podcast - Don Zuiderman!
This episode's session is all about MOONRAKER. Jarrod has the lead on this episode - but he'll kindly hand his picks over to the guest host - the lads will provide factoids and discussion on the main title song, 6 of their favorite tracks (hence the title of the podcast), and a bonus remix...maybe more! The numbering scheme is always subject to chaotic change!
Have we finally found the shortest 007 soundtrack? Will we get the definition behind the meaning of "six of the best?" Maybe even the definition of what a "moonraker" is? Tune in & find out!
Here is where to find this episodes cover versions playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0CDQdLe-G2PU6t298e4LD3yFBXL1oge
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Mar 09, 2020
MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 024: Spectre
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
MI6 ROOKIE AGENTS returns! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson. Jarrod and Jason take a look at the Bond series through the eyes of their guests who are first-time (or first time in a long time) viewers new to James Bond, for an entirely different Bond perspective and experience.
This episode: What do the newbies make of Spectre? The Alberich brothers are trying to kill each other, Pat is hacking into the 9-Eyes program, and Delvin is busting up the walls at the hotel - so all the bases are covered!
Wanna be part of the show? EMail us your questions or comments - feel free to email us an audio file - to: OHMSPOD@outlook.com
If you like our style AND you like comic books, check out the fellas on their other show: The Longbox Crusade at www.LongboxCrusade.com
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Spectre: Bond 24 Review with Alan J Porter
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Alan and Van (the authors of all your Bond pain) dive into the return of Blofeld in 2015's massive SPECTRE. Hopefully it's more fun than a drill in the skull!
We made it! All 24 EON Bond films reviewed, just in time for Bond 25: No Time To Die, in April!
Alan on Twitter: @alanjporter @BondLexicon
Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Our Patron background music is by Klaus Hergesheimer
Help support this podcast and be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by people like YOU: all our great patrons and supporters via Patreon.com!
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 023: Skyfall
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
MI6 ROOKIE AGENTS returns! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson. Jarrod and Jason take a look at the Bond series through the eyes of their guests who are first-time (or first time in a long time) viewers new to James Bond, for an entirely different Bond perspective and experience.
This episode: What do the newbies make of Skyfall? The Alberich brothers are training Kamodo Dragons, Pat is running down the priest-hole, and Delvin is taking the bloody shot! - so all the bases are covered!
Wanna be part of the show? EMail us your questions or comments - feel free to email us an audio file - to: OHMSPOD@outlook.com
If you like our style AND you like comic books, check out the fellas on their other show: The Longbox Crusade at www.LongboxCrusade.com
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by Audible.com.
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net

Friday Feb 07, 2020
Skyfall: Bond 23 Review with Alan J. Porter
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Mommy has been very bad, and Alan J Porter and Van Allen Plexico are trapped like two rats on a deserted island, so it must be time to talk about the 23rd James Bond film from EON, released on the 50th anniversary of the franchise--2012's SKYFALL!
23rd in a monthly series reviewing the entire James Bond series, leading up to the release of Bond 25.
Alan on Twitter: @alanjporter @BondLexicon
Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Our Patron background music is by Klaus Hergesheimer
Help support this podcast and be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows-we thank you by name on every episode: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico
Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment and by people like YOU: all our great patrons and supporters via Patreon.com!
Find links to everything we do at www.plexico.net